My Top 10 homebrew packages
For each of my top 10 command-line programs and macOS applications, I explain what makes it useful and why I use it.
For each of my top 10 command-line programs and macOS applications, I explain what makes it useful and why I use it.
Transcripts of both interviews about my time in the NVA and Bundeswehr
Übersetzung des zweiten Teils des Podcast-Interviews, das sich mit dem Übergang zur Bundeswehr befasst
Second part of the Cold War Conversations podcast interview; focussing on my transfer to Bundeswehr
Übersetzung des ersten Teils des Podcast-Interviews, in dem es um meine Zeit bei der NVA geht
I was interviewed for the Cold War Conversations podcast about my time in the GDR's army NVA
I am restarting my home page
I presented about the Cloud Foundry Application Lifecycle at the IBM Cloud Developers in Stuttgart meetup.
Simon Moser and I gave a talk about IBM Bluemix and the Cloud Foundry Bits Service at the Stuttgart Cloud Foundry Meetup II .
Peter Götz and I gave a talk on the Bits Service at the Cloud Foundry Summit Europe 2016: